For Emergencies call David Gurley: (Cell) 415-717-5633

If David is unavailable, please call in order:
Cathy Record: 707-364-0479
Weeks Drilling & Pump: 707-823-3184

If you do need to contact our Emergency Manager, kindly remember that we are a volunteer water company and we do not have all the back-up emergency systems of a larger, for-profit Utility. We guarantee any issue will be resolved; however, you may be without water for a period of time.

From time to time, for the health of the system, the lines need to be flushed. This flushing can stir up sediment and you may see discoloration in your water. To the best of our ability, we will post announcements or otherwise publicize any scheduled flushing. Please check for alerts as to any scheduled flushing.