When Work Needs To Be Done

Before you dig, check the engineering maps to see where or if water lines are located on your property. These plans show with the darker “- - w - -” the placement of the new line and with the lighter “ - - w - -” the placement of the existing line.

Our System

Below is a rough sketch of the system. (The Board is in the process of building a more exact map.) We have two wells, one active (#1) and one inactive - for emergencies (#2). Our active well (#1), located in the pumphouse, pumps water up to the redwood tank. In turn, once the redwood tank is full, water is pumped into the first concrete tank and then the other concrete tank. In the redwood tank there is a wireless relay system that alerts the pump when more water is needed. From the tank, water is distributed via our system’s main lines to all members noted on the map below. Our system is gravity fed. That means water leaving the tank is not pumped, gravity draws the water through the lines. Parcels situated below the tanks often have better water pressure. Parcels situated higher than the tanks or further away from the tanks, have weaker water pressure. Often individual homes require water pumps to maintain the correct water pressure. It’s important to note that in emergencies, we have only two options to shut off water - one, at the pump and the other, at the tank.